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Top quality in ballast cleaning and material management on all line categories

We have further developed and optimised two machine models that have been successfully operated all over the world: The RM 85-750 has set new standards in ballast bed cleaning. The new MFS 120 material conveyor and hopper unit offers both a high storage capacity and simple conveying, storing and unloading.

Ballast cleaning with utmost consistency – RM 85-750

The work and drive units of this machine model have been positioned on two separate vehicle parts. This enables a considerable reduction of the axle loads. As a result, the machine has been approved for line category C2. On these lines, the maximum permissible axle load is 20 t. There are track sections in which the cleaned ballast does not suffice. Here, ballast must be added or a second layer of ballast must be installed. Integrated into the machine, standard MFS units such as the MFS 40 or the MFS 100 ensure the continuous supply of new ballast. They enable the direct supply, without intermediate storage hoppers.

Redefined standards

Over the years, many further developments have continually improved the machine series, making it fit for new tasks and ensuring compliance with new regulations (UIC, EN, Ril, etc.). A turning conveyor belt with a slewing angle of ± 180° is used for spoil unloading. The control system P-IC Plasser Intelligent Control is used to operate the machine. This makes it possible to meet the EN standard also regarding hardware and software.

The P-IC automatically controls the excavating chain in height and direction, ensuring the exact cut of the formation and monitoring the cleaning depth. The machine is guided using the P-IC and measured data such as the excavating depth, inclination angle, longitudinal level and cross level, are recorded before and after cleaning using the DRP electronic data recording processor. This provides the railways with a proof of the quality of the work performed.

The standard of ballast cleaning around the world

The RM 85-750 sets store by well-proven work components of the RM 80 series, such as the triple-deck screening unit. It has been optimised with regard to screen angle, mesh size and vibration. Equipped with a device for large-stone separation, it achieves excellent results.

The design of the excavating unit makes it possible to produce the entire formation in one pass. The horizontally positioned cutter bar of the excavating chain ensures a precise cut of the formation. It can be set exactly to the desired excavating depth and gradient. The entire ballast cross-section is cleaned in one pass. In operation, the RM 85-750 has proven its productivity and cost-efficiency: It produces a consistently high output and uniformly high working quality under varied conditions.

The entire work site logistics, including the delivery of new ballast and the evacuation of spoil produced during ballast cleaning, can be managed on the track under repair. This makes it possible to reduce obstructions to rail traffic and passengers to a minimum.

Material management made easier – MFS 120

Material conveyor and hopper units contribute significantly to the success of a work site. They ensure supply of new material and loading of spoil. This makes it possible to benefit from the output of ballast cleaning machines or formation rehabilitation machines in the best possible way.

The new MFS 120 offers optimised conveying, storing and unloading of up to 68 m³ and can be operated compatibly. A new bearing for the hopper and an adapted positioning of the bogies ensure improved load distribution. Moreover, the self-supporting construction reduces the net weight. The MFS 120 enables a safe load of about 110 t of ballast material. The two-axle machine has four bogies. Nonetheless it is suited for all line categories, including line category C2.

The new transfer conveyor belt is a main feature of the new MFS 120. During transfer travel, for example to the unloading site, it is retracted. As a result, no additional match wagon is needed, as no components jut out over the machine. For unloading, the transfer conveyor belt is designed to slew to both sides.

Central control of MFS train

It is possible to control the MFS 120 directly at the hopper using a radio remote control. However, this is not necessary anymore! Using the P-IC, every MFS unit can be loaded and unloaded automatically. Every MFS unit is equipped with sensor units (for the filling level and loading condition). Depending on the setting, the material is either passed through the system or stored in the MFS hopper.

Thanks to the optimisation of the automatic loading and unloading system as well as the deployment of cameras, the operation of the machine is automated to a large extent. If desired, the entire MFS train can be controlled from the main machine (e.g. a ballast cleaning machine). All parameters required for operation are transmitted to one central operating unit. Thus, we have improved the ergonomic comfort for the operator and have laid the foundation for the economic operation of the machine.

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