The continuous working action increases performance. The machine is divided into a continuously moving main machine section and a cyclic-action satellite. This saves valuable resources because only a small part of the machine brakes and accelerates again while working.
Fuel and maintenance requirements are reduced compared to cyclic-action machines, where the entire mass has to be decelerated and accelerated again with each tamping cycle. The new machines can be fuelled with HVO100, which also reduces CO₂. The fact that they also work more quietly is an important advantage, especially in densely populated areas at night.
We are constantly working to streamline the maintenance and construction of the railway. The new Plasser & Theurer tamping machines have a high capacity and flexibility, which means that work on tracks can be carried out faster and leads to fewer disruptions to train traffic. Thanks to this investment, Infranord will have the best suited tamping machines on the Swedish and Norwegian market.
Stefan Gustavsson
president and CEO of Infranord
Another advantage is that the modern industrial design creates an ergonomically enhanced working environment: the machine operators’ workspaces, located on the continuously moving machine section, are sound-insulated and air-conditioned.
The solid frame construction can easily handle high lifting values, e.g. after track laying or renewal. Time is precious during track maintenance: even with irregular sleeper spacings, track possessions can be optimally utilized because it is possible to switch to 1-sleeper mode at any time. Infranord will lease the two new machines from RB Solutions on a 10-year contract.