Plasser & Theurer’s aim is to ensure economic benefits for our customers. We will also continue along this path in the future. Currently, we are defining new ways to achieve this aim in line with the strategy “Machine – Fleet – Infrastructure”. Topics such as sustainability, digitalisation, and modern customer services will be of crucial importance.
Plasser & Theurer has been revolutionising track maintenance technology for decades. For long-term success, however, more needs to be done now. What is even more important is to recognise the market’s needs and to provide the right answers quickly.
The first signs of the two product lines we currently offer have been visible for a long time. Now we are streamlining them to offer clearly defined solutions. Customers who would like more efficient maintenance and spare parts management for their fleets as well as more efficient training and homologation will be able to rely on machines that are part of the “ModularCustomizing” product line. Despite increasing standardisation, in this category we still remain true to the principle of meeting specific requirements as best as possible. Here’s the perfect example: right now, our high-capacity tamping machines can be built in more than 100 different configurations.
Customers who have very specific needs regarding functionality and design can take advantage of the customised machines in the “Individual Design” product line. A typical example is the high-capacity RUS 1000. Not only does this machine replace sleepers, rail fastenings, and rails during a single track possession, it also cleans the ballast bed.
Depending on their size, location, and corporate philosophy, companies in our sector will have very different requirements in terms of customer services. However, it is obvious that services with specific economic benefits will gain ground. It is exactly for this reason that we have restructured our portfolio in this area. We have expanded it to include new services. Our retrofits have attracted a great deal of interest from the very beginning. In this case, we modernise machines that are 20 or 30 years old. This extends their service life by approximately ten years and increases their performance. Our new service packages have been equally popular: with four different servicing categories, they are available for individual machines and entire fleets.
We see digitalisation as an opportunity to enhance the benefits of our machines and customer services. The turnout tamping assistance system “PlasserSmartTamping – The Assistant” helps operators to manage the machine’s operating systems.
In any event, we never lose sight of the railway system as a whole. We are also exploring exciting new options for digital approaches to maintenance and infrastructure. This is where data management comes to mind. From when the order goes in to the proof of work, our systems today consistently deliver digitised information. At the same time, we are also developing digital tools that record the track in full. The EM100VT track recording car serves as a development platform: its measuring runs are twenty times faster than those performed with more dated methods. The data it records flows into modern Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM speeds up structural planning, construction, and administration. It also decreases susceptibility to faults, makes costs more transparent, and promotes cooperation between all project stakeholders. In this product segment, we offer infrastructure operators and construction companies complementary services. For example, they can use the URM 700-2: until now the only turnout cleaning machine.
All the products we have developed and will continue to develop in line with the strategy “MACHINE – FLEET – INFRASTRUCTURE” cannot be listed in their entirety here. That is why we encourage you to get in touch with us! Tell us which areas are interesting for your company, and we will put you in touch with the experts at our company who can help you further.
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